Sisterhood and mutual admiration

How wonderful, another opportunity to tell some wonderful Bloggers I think they are awesome.   The retiring sort has nominated my blog for an award.

The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

No!  Not the traveling pants story of sisterhood – although you may remember the story (book and film) about the four girls and one pair of lucky jeans.  Namely the traveling pants!  They were college mates, the girls and made a pledge to keep in touch and took a vow of the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants.  Well, I have not received my pants in the mail – like the girls in the story, but I guess, in spirit it feels a little like that.  A lovely ‘thinking of you’ message travelling across the blogging world has arrived at my doorstep and I feel a little cocoon of kindness protecting me from the possible awfulness that might bully it’s way into my world.

Where would I be without my sisters, my mates?   Those people who lift me up, encourage me and keep me awake and aware.  Thank you, you know who you are.  My sisters by birth as well as my sisters in spirit.

Now the award suggests I tell you a little about myself and nominate some other sister bloggers.

One of the great things about being part of the Mutual Admiration Society, is we get to tell each other how happy we are to have made a connection and found each other in this big wide world we are part of.   I hope you enjoy the following blogs.  Please don’t feel obligated to accept the award if it is not your thing.  This is a gift to you, no expectations attached, OK!

  1. Sadie & Dasie
  2. Mad for Living
  3. Coffee and Heels
  4. Miss Quinoline
  5. ROAS Talks
  6. A conversation with Moo
  7. Previous Ruthless Captures
  8. Daily Craves

Me – I love books and magazines – I believe in the strength of sisterhood just as much as the strength of brotherhood and friendship – I sometimes wonder if people underestimate the beauty of feet – I think the ideal job would be as a ‘Thinker in Residence’  – I read something once on the back of a toilet door, about the importance of looking after your knees when young and wearing sunscreen.  (I now think that is probably very good and wise advice).

When you awake tomorrow, step into those lucky jeans Sister – and face the world with courage!

About holistic complications

I like to work on a personal goal or challenge each year .. learning and growing, facing my fears, embracing love and challenges and stepping forward to create a more holistic and authentic life, living with good intentions - a clear, focused and 'real' life! I want to be more accountable for the life I live and create! My experience of being real and authentic are quite complicated at times!! I blog to share my experiences and ideas and to reflect on what inspires me!
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