Savour the Flavour

Savour the flavour ~ Enjoy the moment

I am aware that I take ages to eat my meal and people wait for me  and that often (all the time according to some individuals) I am late arriving at a designated place or event and people declare they have been waiting for me … again.   Some of my friends have jokingly said in the past, that I will be late for my funeral.  I personally can’t see a problem with that!  Please let me clarify here, being late for my own death and therefore funeral I don’t see as a problem.  On the other hand, keeping people waiting can be a problem, especially when that person is a child or someone who feels they have limited control of the situation or their own life and therefore well-being.

What I am talking about is, when an adult who has some basic control over their own experiences, thoughts and feeling and consequently their  response and reaction to the behaviour of others. I have been late for people in the past and others are also been late for an agreed time with me.  How long do we wait for each other, how long would you ‘wait’ for me?

So, what is that about?  Different values or priorities, personal timetables, making false promises, lack of consideration for others, being inflexible, living in the now, going with the flow?  Maybe it is likened to a pecking order and it is OK for the boss to keep me waiting but not for me to keep the ‘boss’ waiting.  So, last time it happened did the other person keep me waiting or did I keep yourself waiting?  Is it worse for the other person to keep me waiting or for me to keep them waiting?

So, I constantly ask myself;  Am I enjoying the moment or waiting for the next moment, event, experience, or thing to happen?

“According to the experts, the solution to this problem is to heighten our enjoyment of daily life, even as we wait for our lives to change.  Many of them used the image of “savoring” life’s pleasures, moment by moment, as one would a delicious meal.”

I don’t believe we can ever be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  When something awful happens we sometimes say as a way of coping with the awful story; “Oh, she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time … any other day it would not have happened as it did …!   My philosophy is that we are always  in the right place at the right time doing the right thing.  It is more about the lesson of the moment than the problem of the moment.  Even when we are doing the wrong thing, it is the right thing (so to speak), the universe is giving us an opportunity to learn something from this ‘wrong’ thing.   What did we learn, what do we now understand that we didn’t before?   Did we notice the Ah-h moment?

May you never be too late

to enjoy the ‘here and now’ moment!

I met up with some friends today who made a joke about time as soon as I arrived at the table.  Yes, they were there before me and I was not late (and yes I did ask in response to their joke; “sorry, am I late?”), we had agreed to meet for a casual coffee in a local cafe.

On a personal and very important note today, please accept my sincere apologies to the child in you and me, and to my dear friends and family that over the years I have kept waiting, for whatever reason.  I know at times I have been a painful friend who sometimes you have felt you could not rely on. I am sorry that I have disappointed you.

It can be difficult to move on from past mistakes and bad history.  I would like to think that I can accept each day as a new day without the mistakes of yesterday dragging me back into the past.

cake and pastries

A little sweet snack food  .. perhaps?

So, from now dear friend on I am going to enjoy my meal (read the nutrition of life) at my own slow pace. Savouring every mouthful and every moment.  I am going to work at staying in the moment while being more aware of the affect of my behaviour on others.

One more brave step forward!

About holistic complications

I like to work on a personal goal or challenge each year .. learning and growing, facing my fears, embracing love and challenges and stepping forward to create a more holistic and authentic life, living with good intentions - a clear, focused and 'real' life! I want to be more accountable for the life I live and create! My experience of being real and authentic are quite complicated at times!! I blog to share my experiences and ideas and to reflect on what inspires me!
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